
The Gas Shortage Caused A State of Emergency in North Carolina

May 25, 2021

  The Gas Shortage Caused A State of Emergency in North Carolina How Are They Handling It? Due to the ransomware cyber-attack on the Colonial Pipeline, the Governors of North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida declared a state of emergency. The Colonial Pipeline supplies over 45% of the fuel to the east coast, causing a…

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North Carolina Easing COVID-19 Restrictions

March 1, 2021

  North Carolina Easing COVID-19 Restrictions Starting on Friday, February 26, at 5 PM, North Carolina will ease many restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. North Carolina’s Governor, Roy Cooper, announced his plans for Executive Order No. 195 on Wednesday to get rid of the statewide stay-at-home order, among other things. The decision for Executive…

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New Restrictions in North Carolina

June 26, 2020

New Restrictions in North Carolina Starting on Friday, June 26 at 5:00 PM, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order No. 147 goes into effect, extending Phase 2 until July 17, 2020 and imposing further restrictions. Specifically, beginning Friday June 26, people in North Carolina are required to wear a mask in any public area…

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October 18, 2017

North Carolina Legislative News   The North Carolina Legislature has been pretty active on different topics over the past few months. Below is a quick overview of some bills dealing with the Bright Futures Act, personal injury bankruptcy trust claims, the alcoholic beverage control commission laws, and small wireless communications infrastructure.   House Bill 68…

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Licensing Requirements For Setting up a New Corporation

June 14, 2017

Setting up a new business involves planning, making key decisions and completing a series of legal steps. A few preliminary steps include choosing a name, a business structure, and registering your business. Other steps include contemplating tax implications and licensing. For instance, the State of North Carolina does not issue a single business license; therefore,…

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First Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in NC

November 3, 2016

Hemp production has been legalized in North Carolina, but only as part of the state’s pilot program allowed under federal law. The approved conditional use permit allows for the construction of a 5,200 square foot light manufacturing plant for its operations, which would start sometime next year on the north side of Dorsett Avenue just…

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Arizona-Style Einwanderung auch für North Carolina?

May 16, 2013

Der sog. “Reclaim N.C. Act” beinhaltet die Forderung nach einem begründeten Erlass für eine umfassende Gesetzgebung zum Thema Einwanderung in North Carolina. Der Gesetzesentwurf kombiniert Führerscheinprivilegien und neue Einschränkungen für illegale Einwanderer. Die konkreten Bestimmungen der Gesetzesvorlage sind: die Erlaubnis aller lokalen Exekutivorgane (sprich: der Polizei), den Einwanderungsstatus abzufragen  die Versorgung illegaler Einwanderer mit zeitlich…

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AZ-Style Immigration for North Carolina

May 15, 2013

After the Supreme Court approved the controversial provision of an Arizona immigration law last year, four House Republicans of the General Assembly of North Carolina, led by Rep. Harry Warren of Salisbury, filed the RECLAIM N.C. Act, short for “Reasonable Enactment of Comprehensive Legislation Addressing Immigration Matters in North Carolina”, with comprehensive immigration enforcement measures.…

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Impending Sequester Cuts in North and South Carolina

February 28, 2013

(c) On February 24th, 2013 the White House released a state-by-state report of $85 billion in automatic, across-the-board cuts to the federal budget that would go into effect on March 1st and run through the end of September if Congress and President Barack Obama can’t reach a deal to reduce spending by the end…

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North Carolina’s new Governor is former Mayor of Charlotte

January 15, 2013

(c) photo: The Republican Pat McCrory is the state’s 74th governor. He stepped into office on January 5th 2013, taking over as only the third Republican governor of North Carolina in a century and marking a dramatic turn to red in state politics. McCrory was sworn in at the old Senate chambers in the…

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