
Patriot Act: Senate passes six-month extension of certain measures

December 22, 2005

The Senate passed today (on Wednesdy, Dec 21) a six-month extension of the terror-fighting USA Patriot Act. Will this really make the USA a safer place to live … as some polititions called it? It is surely a last resort after Democrats and a small group of GOP senators blocked President Bush and Republican congressional…

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Auswärtiges Amt plant keine Regressforderung gegen Osthoff

December 20, 2005

Ich lese gerade,1518,391365,00.html und wundere mich ueber die Rechtsgrundlage. Zitat aus spiegel Online: “Kaum ist Susanne Osthoff aus ihrer Geiselhaft im Irak freigekommen, kursierten Meldungen über Geldforderungen der Regierung. Die könnten theoretisch erhoben werden – sind aber praktisch unwahrscheinlich. […] Ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes sagte SPIEGEL ONLINE, dass es “keinerlei Überlegungen” für eine…

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Neues Vertrauen in den deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen

December 20, 2005

Das Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung berichtet heute (Veröffentlicht am: 20.12.2005) über die USA Beziehungen. Lesen Sie selber… ——————————————————————————– Bundesverteidigungsminister Franz Josef Jung hat in den USA mit seinem Amtskollegen Donald Rumsfeld und Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice gesprochen. In der der Nato wollen beide Regierungen die Zusammenarbeit intensivieren, erklärte Jung anschließend. Die amerikanische Regierung erkenne die…

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no 10 Billion Dollar award – light cigarettes award reversed

December 16, 2005

The Illinois Supreme Court threw out a $10 billion judgment against Philip Morris USA on today.So now it is legal to sell “light” cigaretts as this does not constitute a fraud. The state Supreme Court ruled in a 4-2 decision that the Federal Trade Commission specifically allowed companies to characterize their cigarettes as “light” and…

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Tort and litigation – Plane crash in Chicago

December 12, 2005

“An attorney for the parents of a boy killed when an airliner slid off a runway and into their car urged witnesses and passengers Sunday to contact his office.” I found in an AP news clipping. This is an interesting marketing approach. Not to sue directly, but to ask for more information and then to…

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Alito’s confirmation ?

December 11, 2005

“As Judge Alito’s confirmation hearings approach, the contending forces are, predictably, focused on the issue of whether, as a Justice, he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. The overwhelming evidence shows that Alito, as a matter of both personal and legal conviction, is profoundly opposed to Roe. Still, for political reasons, we will have…

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Two Partners and a Wife

December 11, 2005 just reports a sample story. A bad one. Read it! Here is the short version: “Greg and Scott were the best of friends, and co-owners of a highly successful Insurance company. In the end, data forensics proved the two best friends and former college roommates did, in fact, hold secrets from each other. While…

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Re-Issue of Unused Work Visas

December 9, 2005

We need you! Companies in the US with foreign-born employees are urgently needed next week to voice their support for legislation that would allow the re-issue of unused work visas for foreign professionals. The U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate are currently in conference on a budget reconciliation bill that would include a proposal…

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December 7, 2005

I just realized the “WEB SITE OF THE WEEK” of the North Carolina Bar Association. They talk about the flu. Hm, with a website called it must be something. Well here we go: “The potential outbreak of avian flu has raised awareness levels among countless individuals and organizations, including lawyers and law firms concerned…

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130 Million Dollar – Vitamin manufacturers settle suit

December 6, 2005 Four of the world’s leading vitamin manufacturers have settled a $130-million lawsuit that was initiated by a Quebec consumers group. Hoffmann-Laroche, BASF, Rhone-Poulenc and Lonza were found guilty six years ago. The verdict: hiking the price of vitamins and various products. Now the result: money tobe divided between local non-profit organizations and companies that…

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