
Speeder Driving from State A into State B Can Be Prosecuted in State A

April 1, 2011

On Wednesday, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that a speeder who drove across the Astoria-Megler Bridge from Oregon to Washington State at 121 mph in August 2007 can be prosecuted in Oregon. The court ruled that Patrick William Weller can be tried in the state of Oregon for reckless driving even though he was…

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Speeding tickets – a Way to get cash to the cities budget

July 23, 2010

Starting Aug 1, Georgia will launch a 30 day speeding ticket frenzy. The state hopes and therefore estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. Nice revenue for a small investment. But is this really true? I got the information and it seems to be true, however seems to indicate differently.…

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