
Übernahmeverhandlungen bei Coca Cola?*

May 7, 2012

Ende April waren Gerüchte aufgekommen, dass der weltweit grösste Getränkehersteller, Coca Cola aus Atlanta (Georgia), in Übernahmeverhandlungen mit Monster Beverages, dem Hersteller von Energydrinks wie Red Bull, steht. Dies wäre die grösste Übernahme in der Geschichte von Coca Cola geworden. Coca Cola und Monster Beverages hatten, wie aus gut informierten Kreisen zu hören war, über…

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Facebook Opens New Data Center in North Carolina

May 3, 2012

The world largest social network Facebook, with 845 million active users around the world and roughly 200 million in the U.S., opened a new data center in Forest City, North Carolina on April, 19. Two months ahead of schedule, it took Facebook only 16 months to finally put the new data center online and serve…

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Uptown Law Firm seeks part-time or full-time bilingual Administrative Assistant

May 2, 2012

Great opportunity to work in a multi-lingual environment with an international law firm in Charlotte, North Carolina. Position is part-time or full-time. The position requires assisting a Managing Partner and other lawyers with day-to-day needs such as writing in German and English, translations, billing, filing, answering phones, updating spreadsheets, working on ad hoc projects and…

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Das EB-5 Visum gewinnt Bedeutung

April 30, 2012

Das EB-5 Visum des Department of Homeland Security der USA erfreut sich neuerdings wieder größerer Beliebtheit. Das Visum, das 1990 vom Kongress entwickelt worden war um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln, hat mit dem Absturz der US-amerikanischen Banken eine neue Bedeutung erlangt. Das EB-5 Visum für ausländische Investoren ist ein US-Visum, das unter dem Immigration Act von…

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Mixed Ruling on Arizona Voter Restrictions

April 30, 2012

Voting rights and state initiatives to prevent voting frauds remain contentious subjects. A growing number of states have enacted voter ID laws, prompting a divisive debate over whether proponents are seeking to limit access to the polls in a presidential election year. In November 2004 Arizona accepted “Proposition 200,” an Arizona state initiative that required…

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YouTube zum Löschen rechtswidriger Inhalte verpflichtet – und was ist mit den Nutzern?*

April 27, 2012

Auch das jüngste Urteil in Sachen YouTube hatte einen durchaus vorhersehbaren Ausgang: Auf Betreiben der GEMA hat das Landgericht Hamburg erneut Googles Video-Dienst YouTube dazu verurteilt, urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke, die von YouTube-Nutzern eingestellt wurden, zu löschen, sobald YouTube Kenntnis von diesen Werken hat. Die Millionen Nutzer von YouTube allein in Deutschland wird jedoch nun interessieren,…

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AmCham-BridgehouseLaw Internship Program 2012

April 24, 2012

For the third time AmCham Germany and BridgehouseLaw organize the US-German Internship Program in 2012, affording 25 students from renowned universities in the Southeastern region of the United States the opportunity to complete three-month summer internships with 20 top international companies. The students will leave the U.S. to go to Germany on May 21, 2012.…

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Balanced Budget in the Italian Constitution Reform. Is that a Great Idea?*

April 24, 2012

The Italian Senate has passed a constitutional amendment providing the requirement of a balanced budget. The bill has been adopted with the required two thirds majority of voters and now has to be approved by the lower chamber of the Senate. The day after the reform passed, the government enacted the finance and economy document…

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New TSA Checkpoint Technology for Travel Documents

April 20, 2012

In June 2007 a layer of aviation security was added when the TSA assumed travel document checking responsibilities from airline contractors. Specially trained Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) using black lights and magnifying glasses, were positioned in front of the checkpoint to check passengers boarding passes and identification. Since the program was implemented, security officers performing…

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