
Progress Energy obligated to grant current prices to solar developers

January 9, 2013

(c) photo: The prosperity of solar developers depends largely on the so called “avoided cost” rate. As solar developers are mostly small power producers, they are usually not allowed to sell their power directly to customers. Instead, they have to sell it to big utilities like Progress Energy Carolinas. The prices utilities owe, are…

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Russian Parliament Bans Adoptions by Americans

December 28, 2012

Dima Yakovlev Act vs. Magnitsky Act  (c) photo: The Upper House of Russia’s Parliament voted unanimously on a measure that would ban the adoption of Russian children by American families. In the Parliament 420 voted for, and only 7 members against the bill. Called the “Dima Yakovlev Act”, it was named after a Russian…

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End of Bush Era Tax Cuts

December 28, 2012

The Bush tax cuts, dubbed after former President George W Bush, enacted in 2001 and 2003 will expire by the end of the year. In 2010 the tax cuts have been extended by the Obama Administration and in order for them to remain in effect, Congress would have to vote on an extension. Additionally, a…

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How Private Are Your Emails?

December 28, 2012

(c) photo: Everybody knows that law enforcement can’t just storm into your house and rummage through your desks and drawers. They need a warrant that shows that they have probable cause to search your belongings. But how about your emails, facebook pictures and stored items in the cloud? Nowadays so much of our communications,…

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Land der unbegrenzten Waffen

December 27, 2012

(c) photo: Spätestens seit dem Amoklauf von Newtown, Connecticut, ist der Fokus wieder auf die lockeren Waffengesetze in den USA gerichtet. Am 14. Dezember 2012 hatte der 20-jährige Adam Lanza in der Sandy Hook Grundschule ein Massaker angerichtet. Der Täter hatte zuerst seine Mutter in deren Haus getötet und sich dann auf den Weg…

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Stärkung des Gerichtsstandorts Deutschland: Abschaffung des Exequaturverfahrens im Rahmen der EuGVVO

December 27, 2012

Im Rahmen der Überprüfung der EuGVVO (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 44/2001 des Rates über die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen) wurde rege über die Abschaffung des Exequaturverfahrens diskutiert. Nun wird die Neufassung voraussichtlich im Laufe dieses Jahres in Kraft treten. Während gem. Art. 19 der Europäischen Mahnverfahrensordnung das…

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Business Law Q&A

December 27, 2012

You got Business Law questions? We got answers! Q: Can I recover my attorney’s fees with a lawsuit? A: For most lawsuits, the answer to this question is no. In North Carolina, parties generally pay their own attorney’s fees, regardless of who wins at trial, unless a state law provides otherwise. The handful of statutory…

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City Aviation Director Jerry Orr and the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte

December 27, 2012

(c) photo: In it’s latest edition, the Charlotte Business Journal named City Aviation Director Jerry Orr Charlotte Business Journal’s Business Person of the year. CBJ chooses the winner by performance in the categories financial performance, personal qualities, managerial skills and contribution to Charlotte’s strengths as a region. Orr has a Bachelor’s degree in civil…

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Implementation of NEW USCIS Immigrant Fee

December 27, 2012

(c) photo: New fee allows USCIS to recover the costs of processing immigrant visas after individuals receive their visa packages from the Department of State abroad WASHINGTON—On Feb. 1, 2013, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin collecting a new USCIS Immigrant Fee of $165 from foreign nationals seeking permanent residence in the…

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U.S. House of Representatives passes immigration reform: STEM Jobs Act

November 30, 2012

(c) photo: Today, the House approved the first post-election effort to reform U.S. immigration policy. The so-called STEM Jobs Act eliminates the diversity visa program (“Green Card Lottery”) and reallocates up to 55,000 new green cards to graduates of American universities in science, technology, engineering, and math (“STEM” fields).  The bill was approved by…

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