
Caterpillar Strikes Deal to Build Georgia Plan

February 21, 2012

Caterpillar Inc. said it chose a site near Athens, Georgia, for a new $200 million factory that will employ about 1,400 people and make construction equipment currently produced in Sagami, Japan. The selection came after the Peoria, Illinois, maker of heavy equipment reviewed proposals from “more than 100 communities in three dozen states plus Canada…

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Arizona Rethinks Immigration Policy: it’s the Economy, Stupid!

February 20, 2012

Arizona, once a trailblazer in cracking down on illegal immigration, is rethinking its ways. While a number of states jumped on the Arizona bandwagon and copied the state’s illegal immigration laws in an effort to reduce their unemployment rate and rev up the local economy, it’s becoming clear that the laws’ unintended consequences, in particular…

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Charlotte im Wandel – Die Wiederbelebung der Industrie

February 17, 2012

Dass Charlotte, North Carolina, nach New York City die Finanz- und Bankenmetropole der USA ist, ist mittlerweile hinreichend bekannt. Während New York aber noch von Wall Street beherrscht wird, entsinnt sich Charlotte jedoch ihrer Wurzeln und wendet sich zunehmend auch der Industrie zu. “Der Zusammenbruch des Finanzsystems hat uns vor Augen geführt, dass wir unsere…

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USA verklagen älteste Schweizer Bank

February 17, 2012

Die USA verklagen die Schweizer Privatbank Wegelin & Co., die 1741 gegründet wurde und damit älter als die USA ist. In der Klageschrift wird der Bank vorgeworfen, dass sie geholfen hat, über $1,2 Milliarden USD von wohlhabenden US-Staatsbürgern vor dem amerikanischen Fiskus versteckt zu haben. Es ist das erste Mal, dass die USA deswegen eine…

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BridgehouseLaw Internship Program

February 14, 2012

BridgehouseLaw ist eine internationale, wirtschaftsrechtlich ausgerichtete Kanzlei mit Standorten in Atlanta, Charlotte, Köln und München. Wir beraten schwerpunktmäßig Mandanten bei internationalen Transaktionen, insbesondere im Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Immobilien- und Bankrecht sowie im Investment- und Steuerrecht. Darüber hinaus begleiten unsere Anwälte Mandanten bei transnationalen Rechtsstreitigkeiten und beraten im Einwanderungs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. Zur Mitarbeit und Ausbildung in…

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The Debate Continues: Tweets Get UK Tourists Arrested by U.S. Border Authorities

February 10, 2012

We previously reported on our blog about two British tourists who were detained and prevented from entering the U.S. on the Visa Waiver Program due to a couple of unfortunate tweets. Forbes now quoted a spokesperson from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol stating that the tweets were not the original basis of heightened interest in…

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Alabama’s Immigration Law – The “Law of Unintended Consequences”

February 9, 2012

Crops rotting in fields, long lines at courthouses to renew car tags, massive amounts of paperwork for companies doing business with the government, and the shrinking of GDP between $2.3 billion USD and $10.8 billion USD (1% to 6% of GDP, respectively). Alabama has a problem, and that problem is House Bill 56. State legislature…

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Summer Work Program Set for Overhaul After Systematic Abuse of Foreign Students Discovered

February 7, 2012

The Council for Educational Travel, USA, has been removed from the U.S. State Department’s summer work program. The council, known as Cetusa, may no longer sponsor foreign students coming to the United States looking for summer jobs. The removal of the company follows a walkout by hundreds of foreign students from a Pennsylvania plant packing…

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Tweets Get UK Tourists Arrested by U.S. Border Authorities

February 1, 2012

“Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America?” is what Leigh van Bryan, 26, tweeted to friends about his upcoming trip to Hollywood, California. While “destroy” means “party” in British slang, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security flagged him as a potential threat, ultimately leading to his arrest after a five…

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Fifty Accused of Selling Identities to Illegal Immigrants

January 12, 2012

Fifty people have been accused of conspiring to sell the identities of hundreds of Puerto Ricans to illegal immigrants on the American mainland in the largest single fraud case ever for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the authorities said Wednesday. Hundreds of birth certificates, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses were sold for up to $2,500…

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