Immigration Law: Legislative Developments in North Carolina

We previously reported on our blog that the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. U.S. is looming over state immigration legislation. Two immigration-related bills in the North Carolina legislature are stalling, too.

One is Senate Bill 604 (2011), “The North Carolina Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act. The Act would, inter alia, make it mandatory, upon reasonable suspicion that a person stopped or detained is an illegal alien, for law enforcement to determine that person’s immigration status. It would also mandate that any adult who applies for federal or state benefits would generally have to provide proof of legal residence.

The bill can be followed and read in its entirety here.

The other is Senate Bill 179 (2011), “Failure to Carry or Complete Alien Registration Documents. The Act expands the violation of not carrying alien registration documents or failing to complete them from currently only being a violation of federal law to also being a Class 1 misdemeanor pursuant to N.C. state law. Proposed is a maximum fine of $100 and maximum 20 days imprisonment for the first offense and 30 days for subsequent offenses.

The bill can be followed and read in its entirety here.

For more Immigration Law updates, check back here often.

(c) Picture: North Carolina State Flag

Best regards
und viele Grüße aus Charlotte
Reinhard von Hennigs