Green Card Lottery – DV-2011 Diversity Visa lottery
Green Card Lottery (Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery Instructions) | |
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Immigration allows once a year to enter a lottery to obtain a Green Card. The online entry registration period for the DV-2011 Diversity Visa lottery is open until noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST), Monday, November 30, 2009. Entrants apply on Form DS-5501, Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form available only during the DV open registration period. If you have questions how to file your application, please contact Reinhard von Hennigs via or call: +1 (404) 266 7270. Good luck! Let me know if you need help with the application.
Auch dieses Jahr werden wieder 50,000 Greencard Weltweit und 5,000 in Lateinamerika verlost.
Die “Permanent Resident Card”, umgangssprachlich “Green Card”, wurde auf Initiative von Präsident Reagan zum Erhalt der Nationalitäten-Vielfalt ab dem Jahre 1987 auch in Form der Diversity Visa Lottery vergeben. Einwohner von Ländern mit hohen Einwanderungsquoten in den letzten Jahren, werden von der Lotterie ausgeschlossen. Dies betrifft dieses Jahr unter anderem Einwanderungswillige aus UK mit Ausnahme Northern Ireland, Polen, Brasilien und dem chinesischen Festland. Für Antragssteller aus Deutschland stehen aber die Chancen wie immer gut.
The DV required a qualifying occupation. The Department of Labor (DOL) database groups job experience into five “job zones”. While many occupations are listed on the DOL Website, only certain specified occupations qualify for the Diversity Visa Program. To qualify for a Diversity Visa on the basis of your work experience, you must, within the past five years, have two years of experience in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of 7.0 or higher.
Also see an important fraud warning, and more on the Diversity Visa Program on the State Departments web site: Please note there are websites looking very official but they are really not an official US governmental site.
Any questions?
Call or email!
Reinhard von Hennigs
+1 (704) 333 5230
und viele Grüße aus Charlotte
Reinhard von Hennigs